Monday 21 April 2008

Mariah vs Mariah

You may think we're becoming Mariah crazy over here at neverxmind blogspot, but what can I say, the diva seems to be everywhere. Now, don't get mad peeps, I'm not knockin her hustle but don't you think Mariah has changed quite a bit over the years. She's still pretty either way but I actually thinks she looks better in her PRE-diva days, big curly hair and all. Fresh-faced! Au Naturale! Ok.. I'ma stop but you get the point I'm making. I'm taking it back to our previous posts, but do celebrities really have to change their image to make it big? I'm not saying this is what MC has done, 'cause you know considering the difference in fashion from 1990-'08 theres bound to be a change! You can already see this with Alicia Key's new "sexed" up appearance (then again it's not overwhelming because shes very classy), even Amerie, poor Amerie who's dropped off lol.

I guess we gotta face it. Sex sells. I'll leave you folks with wise words from Erykah Badu (if u aint heard of her hang ur head in shame!) on how to survive this industry.

"Create ur own publicity, do some hoooe shit" LOL. Love her sarcasm.

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