Thursday, 3 April 2008


Is this what you want to be like??

Does anyone really know what the look is. A majority of us try to conform towards what we think is the look and what will be the look, but there is a small amount of people who actually want to be an individual but why should it be like this? Is it because of all these movie starz, singers and rap starz who make it seem cool to actually conform to something close to how they live their life style... and when an issue that needs to be talked about like (anorexia), most of them seem to become dilusional and not wanna take the blame for these consequences that have come to being because of what they portray to people like us who grow up looking up to them as role models and then it is all blamed on the "magazines" that are being published. Hold on wait a minute.... who are the people who became famous you are! so as a celebrity you should know that you may or may not be on the cover of a magazine so whatever image you portray to them that's what they are going to show to people like us who actually purchase these magazines.

This is why there is less individuality within all social groups.

So tell me are you gonna remain a conformist or become your own individual self. The followers hardly get noticed...and the leaders always do.....but weak leaders always fall (Britney)....and strong leaders always stay at the top (our father God)... so always keep God as your role model and remember that leaders always rises above all and a weak leader always falls, so lead yourself to individuality and stay at the top.


Anonymous said...

dis is a relli good blog

Anonymous said...

Good words.