Monday, 21 April 2008

"Pretty pretty rickaaay RICKEY"

Guess what ladies (and guys- if you swing that way!) "Pretty" Ricky are back with a new member. I wasn't really much of a fan but I just thought I'd let you guys know. Since the main singer Pleasure left he has now been replaced by Ambition/4 play. As if these bunch of sex-obsessed guys weren't enough you now gotta add this "4 play" to the mix (pictured 2nd from the right by the way). I am actually in a bitchy mood today, so forgive me in advance lol, but seriously what is up with the one on the end on the right. He looks like a miniature Ne-yo with that hat and pose. And DON'T get me started on the fool in the white lol. Those glasses/goggles that he's wearing.. -shudder-. I'm done chatting crap for today! lol.

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