Sunday, 20 April 2008

Teedra Moses

I don't know about you guys but I am unbelievably frustrated that Teedra Moses doesn't get the recognition she deserves! I mean like HELLO.. the girl can sing, her lyrics actually MEAN something, and she doesn't put out the usual crap that alot of RnB artists seem to be doing right now. Infact.. she hasn't had the chance to put out anything at all. If you're not aware of this already, she has been dropped by her record label which is such a shame.

Me being an avid listner and fan of Teedra (aswell as Karma) we want to know what the fook is going on! For the past year- NO JOKE, her official site says her new album Young Lioness will be out soon. I've looked on her myspace and it says the release will be '08, but no date, no month,nothing else! Unfortunately, the way things are going looks like Teedra will be an ancient "Lioness" before her new album drops..

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