Friday, 19 December 2008

Weekly Throwback

This track just randomy popped into my head the other day so here it is this weeks throwback Diana King's 'Shy Guy' taken from the 'Bad Boys' soundtrack in 1995

Monday, 1 December 2008

Concert Review: Estelle

Many have called Estelle the U.K's Lauryn Hill she has said herself its probably because they're dark-skinned and they both sing and rap. For me though thats where the similarities end. Estelle has had an immensely successful year with the release of her sophomore gold album 'Shine' which was nominated for the mercury music prize her number 1 smash single american boy and was recently named the worlds best new rnb act at the World Music Awards, she tops it all off with a tour of the u.k. Estelle bounded onto the stage after a very impressive set from support act Laura Izzibor (shes one to look out for in 2009) to screams from the audience who were jam-packed ,beleive me, into manchester academy 2 inside the student union. She kicked off the set with Just A touch which features Will.I.Am before breezing into substitute lover and album highlights magnificent and the new single come over where she picked out girls to bump n grind with her male back up singers as well as a guy from the audience to dance with, one overly confident guy ran onto the stage to take a photo and steal a kiss instead of dancing with her. Estelle laughed it off and continued to entertain the audience with tales of bad dates she's experienced and guys shes 'been' with, she couldn't go into too much detail though as her mom was in the audience. The band were excellent especially the violinist and scratch dj forever instructing the crowd to dance and clap. She of course ended the set with American boy which amassed an epic singalong however she was back in no time for an encore coming back on stage seemingly surprised at the crowds demands for more estelle saying 'Wow I feel famous!!' she was even more happy to learn they were familiar with her first album 'The 18th day' with requests of 'Free' and debut single '1980' she delivered them with gutso clearly enjoying herself and showing her ablilty to switch between genres effortlessly. Estelle has definitely established herself as the u.k's urban leading lady and a shining star.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

New vids:

Peep the video for Solanges new single T.O.N.Y below, you're probably thinking what another solange post? but hey its nothing compared to all the coverage her sister is gettin you'd be forgiven for thinking beyonce is the only person in the world with an album out right now. This is not the case lol 'T.O.N.Y' is the third single from her album 'Sol-Angel and the Hadley Street Dreams'(definitely cop it if u haven't already) this is one of my favourites off the album its such a good concept and it really shows her songwriting skills. The video is deep keep watching till the end and everything will become clear.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Real Talk: Rihanna

The beauty of music is that it is subjective, everyone has their own preference and opinions on different genres and musical artists, so here at NeverxMind we want to introduce you to this new feature "Real Talk" with us lot giving you further insight into what we think. Basically So here it goes.. our topic is RIHANNA!

LovexHate: Rihanna has changed so much over the years when she first appeared on the scene she was this wholesome island girl lol.

Karma: Yeah, shes transformed into an RnB Diva with alot of hit songs and dating Chris brown- people are calling them the new Bey and Jay.

LovexHate: I agree Rihanna is successful but it's a bit too much for someone who ain't got that much talent don't get me wrong I like her songs and all but her voice ain't that great.

Karma: Yeah exactly look at how many songs she's released off her "Good Girl Gone Bad" album. I think her look is a bir part of her success people focus more on her style than her vocal ability. Everyone who gets a short haircut now is compared to Rihanna.

LovexHate: Her style is on point though. I would rank her in the same category as Cassie but she's more of a performer and is lucky enough to receive good beats.

Karma: Saying that she is a better performer than Cassie isn't saying much, and having seen her in concert I can vouch for that.

LovexHate: Na, I do think Rihanna is a good artist in her own right but her abilities shouldn't be exaggerated.

Karma: I disagree there I dont think she can be called an "artist" she doesn't write her own songs and her label has created the rebel image to sell records. I think she is a robot.

LovexHate: LOL at the robot business. I do think her record label has had some say in this "new" Rihanna but then again when she first came out she was young so like other singers, it's likely that she would evolve. Or regress whatever way you see it...

Karma: I take your point but what I would like to know is who her target audience is I dont think its people who are our age that look up to her, i thinks its younger girls is she a good role model?

LovexHate: I actually think she has a wide fan base and that is the exact reason why she is so successful.

Karma: Oh yeah, backing up my point when I went to her concert there were a lot of young girls there maybe like 5,6,7,years old and the show was way too raunchy for them she was in leather bondage gear and I remember thinking is that really appropriate her image is way too sexualised and I thinks its to make up for what she lacks in singing ablility.

LovexHate: LOL i fully agree with that. Thats the music industry in general. Before I used to knock artists like Rihanna but what can I say shes doing her thing.

What do you think?, We'd be interested in your opinions.

Concert Review: Solange

Lovexhate and I (Karma) recently had the pleasure of seeing Solange live in concert. She played an intimate venue where she was close enough to touch the audience the energetic set included album favourites 'T.O.N.Y', 'Dancing In The Dark' and 'Cosmic Journey where she performed with such abandon that her jewellery flew off! lol. There were a fews surpises as well namely a performance of Kanye's Love 'Lockdown.' The crowd was very diverse showing how broad her appeal is. It seems to me that people aren't willing to give her a chance beacuse of her famous sibling more fool them they missed out on a great night. I'd definitely recommend seeing Solange when she's in a town near you. 7/10

Friday, 7 November 2008

Keri Hilson pushed back again!

This is just getting beyond a joke now. Keri Hilson's long-awaited debut album was originally set for release in september its now officialy been pushed back to an 'early 2009 release'. I'm just gonna call her Keri Scherzinger from now on coz it looks like she'll suffer the same fate.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

1st Black President!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so there hasn't been much coverage of the U.s election here at neverxmind but today is a momentous day in history. Barack Obama has won and is now the first black president of America. I am beyond proud right now its a great day to be alive and an even better day to be black. His win shows just how far we have come Change has finally come to America!

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Kanye West: change in style?

Lately I haven't been too impressed with the tracks leaking from Kanye's album "808 and Heartbreaks". Why oh why!? Right now I feel destroyed lol.. slight exaggeration but I'm a Kanye Stan and I'm not really feeling this new material to be honest. I'm all for change and innovation but this just ain't cutting it- for me atleast.

Well this is the most recent track:


The only one I've liked so far is "Coldest Winter", check it out..

Friday, 17 October 2008

Weekly Throwback

I'm slowly but surely getting back on track with these but this weeks throwback is special. I like to call it a 'forgotten classic' because I only remembered it myself when my friend played it to me on her ipod and even then it was only until it got to the chorus lol 'Shorty got her eyes on me'is a tune man one of those sexy slow jamz. This is by Donnel Jones from is album 'Where I Wanna Be'released in 1999.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Beyonce:Queen Of The Damned Part 2

The videos for Beyonces new singles 'If I Were A Boy' and 'Single Ladies(put a ring on it)' have premiered and here they are below both were shot in black and white but are entirely different.
I like the video for If I Were A Boy its a really interesting concept and brings the rather bland song to life IMO.
Now 'Single Ladies' is Beyonce's alta ego 'Sasha Fierce'
been let out to play the song sounds like a watered down version of get me bodied that got left off B'day. She's not really giving us anything new with this one I mean its cool and everything but I guess with the way her comebacks been so eagerly anticipated I expected something more. (the dancing is hot I have to say lol)
Apparently the new album 'I Am' is going to be a two-disc concept album with the first disc called 'I Am Beyonce 'and the second disc being 'I Am Sasha'. The album is set for
release november 18th. Whether your a fan, a stan, or a hater you can't deny that Bee gets everybody talking.


Wednesday, 8 October 2008


yes she is, cuz she'll be damned if she dont innovate herself in new ways. well one song in particualr shows a diffterent side of B that we aint seen before, which is da titled "If I Were A Boy" and= the next titled track "Single Ladies", well its an ok song but like most of Beyonce's songs tek 2 listens to grow on you and once they have, you become hooked, so have a listen here underneath and lemme know what you all think out there: is B same old or is she givin us sum new and different kinda songs to listen to on our ipods e.t.c

Jazmine Sullivan: Bust Your Windows

whoops I forgot to include this in the roundup. Peep the vid for Jazmines Sullivans new single 'Bust Your Windows'this is probably my favourite song from her although I love Lions & Tigers too. Her voice is so raw and powerful I love it. Jazmine looks pretty here but tell me how you gonna have a song calld 'bust your windows'and not have any of that goin on in the vid? Wheres the tyre slashing and all that? lol Her debut album 'fearless' is out now so make sure u cop it!

New Vids

Heres a roundup of some of the newest videos just for you!
First up is Ciara's Go Girl the first single from her upcoming album 'fantasy ride.' Ciara is killin em with this video the breakdown in the middle is awesome this is seriously one of the best if not THE best video i've seen all year.

Next we have Kanye's new single 'Love Lockdown' fom his album '808's and heartbreak' which has been brought forward to a November 25th release date having been previously due out on 16th December. Still not feeling his 'singing' though!

Next up is the video for pussycat dolls next single from their doll domination album 'watcha think about that' featuring missy whose been missing for a while. The video is just typical PCD prancing around nothing new nothing special I HATE Nicole's schreecy voice she is soo wack why not give melody a chance to sing?
This is my least favourite PCD single so far and the vid does nothing to help it.

Last but not least is the video for Common's new joint Universal Mind Control featuring Pharrell. Love this song and the futuristic video matches it perfectly this is a good look for common.

Friday, 3 October 2008

Weekly Throwback

Yo Yo Yo They wanna know!!! lOl I've brought the throwbacks out of retirement as i was recently reminded of this tune. They played Eve's 'Whos That Girl' in the club the other night and the whole place just went crazy. I'd forgotten all about it but this was a tune. Eve seems to have fallen off a bit lately the last music I heard from her was the song with Sean Paul 'Give It To You' and her album 'Here I Am' has been serially delayed. I'm not sure if its even gonna be released at all now. Anyway reminisce with Neverxmind as we bring you this weeks throwback.
(I always thought that Eve was bit underrated she did have some tunes like 'Love Is Blind' and her duet with Alica Keys was big, but I suppose if the whole music thing isn't working out anymore she could go back to acting.)


Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Good singer vs Crap singer

This post is my personal opinion and doesn't necessarily reflect the opinion of all the writers on this blog.
An article about Keri Hilson on Clutch Magazine (online) had me thinking about musical taste and how the industry works. The article was very funny, blunt but I found it a little bit harsh. Basically it was saying that Keri Hilson doesn't have what it takes to succeed and has no stage presence, an average voice etc as you know already Neverxmind.blogspot are big supporters of Miss Hilson.

I'm not going to focus on her in this post, but the article had me looking at the bigger picture. In the past I use to cuss the state of the music industry and what it has to offer, as in reality it does seem as though anyone can get a record deal these days aslong as they look cute. It's undeniable that appearance does count for something in the industry whether you can sing or not, I think we have all become accustomed to this though, not saying it's right or wrong, but seriously how many ugly singers can you count? Not many, and you know I didn't even bother to mention the rappers because there are a few "not so cute ones".. mentioning no names. (cough Rick Ross cough)

So realistically speaking if we got rid of the "inadequate" singers then they'd play nothing at the club, it's not like u can go crazy and shake your ass to "Ex-Factor" by Lauryn Hill, eventhough it's an amazing song. So basically we need the "crappy" singers as much as they need us lol. Aslong as the beat is banging you don't need to pay much attention to Cassie's screeching or T-Pain's computerized voice.

sidenote: I actually do like the artists mentioned above.

I've come to realise and appreciate the balance of artists in the industry, because certain songs are more suitable for certain occasions. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's no more complaining coming from me because the situation for music isn't all so bad, although it could be better..

Feel free to share your thoughts on this.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008


What is going on with this song by Chris Brown, titled "Nasty Girl". This song is killing me lol because of the name, I thought he was gonna be chatting about a nasty girl but instead he flips the switch- he IS the nasty girl lmao. I really don't get it.

He probably wrote it for someone else, but he sings it with so much conviction. There's no need to convince, you can tell he's really into this song: "if you play it right and do the things I like, brother you can get this nasty girl", "I Know just what he waaaant, he want me to give it up".

Na I'm just messing though, nothing suspect about this.. it just caught me off guard because it wasn't what I was expecting LOL. Still love ya Chris Breezy!

New music: Common

Common - The Eye (9-11-08) from Derek Spiller on Vimeo.

Sorry for the quality of the sound, but I'm more than excited about Common's new album. This song is much more smoother than the other tracks "Universal Mind Control" and "Announcement". Others have suggested that this is produced by the Neptunes but I'm not quite sure, if it's true then that means their productions are getting back on track, because some of their recent stuff has been lacking in my opinion, except the N.E.R.D album ofcourse!
Well I hope the rest of the album has a simialar vibe to this, although on the UK HMV site, "The Eye" is not lised as one of the tracks on the album!

Anyways, in the UK "Invinsible Summer" is set for release next month on the 27th. Can't wait!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Cop That Disc!!

Ne-yo returns with his third album 'Year Of The Gentleman' the follow up to last years Grammy winning 'Because of You'. Ne-yo has been quoted as saying his goal with this album is to evoke memories of a time when guys looked and acted like gentlemen. Well this album certainly lives up to its title. Neyo is all about female-empowerment ,he is responible for Beyonce's irreplaceable,and the theme continues here with songs like 'Miss Independent'his current single. The album is mid-tempo heavy which seems to work for him although there are some up-tempo cuts like stand-out track 'Nobody' the Michael Jackson influence on this one is undeniable. What really impresses here is his songwriting talent he really knows how to tell a story. Overall this is a very solid effort one of those albums that you can listen to from start to finish definitely worth copping! 8/10

Monday, 15 September 2008

New Vids

Check out the video for Leona Lewis' new single 'forgive me'this ones very different to her other videos and it suits the upbeat track very well. The track and video proves Leona's versatility as an artist, she's not just about the big ballads. Its good to see her dancing as well. Two thumbs up!!

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Artist Spotlight: ILL Methodz

ILL Methodz is an MC from Birmingham, United Kingdom (that’s right..) in the process of making a mark in this industry.
His craft illustrates his true loyalty and respect for music, particularly the Hip Hop genre. This isn’t just a hobby to him but a passion. He is not one to be compared to those guys hangin out on the corner making music as a means to an end.. as in money, he actually enjoys what he does and selflessly enlightens others with his lyrics. ILL Methods has the potential to entertain, educate and potentially put the focus back on to music as being an art rather than a phase which is often suggested by a few rappers in Birmingham trying to break into the scence.

"A Tragedy"- listen
The first time I listened to this I got caught up the rhythm and the lyrics that I found myself closing my eyes so I could pay attention to each word. His style is reminiscent of Lupe Fiasco with his story telling skills (obviously he's different.. but yeh!). You follow the story with your ears but the words paint a picture in your mind, believe me, the end made me shudder.

"I’m so Real"- listen
LOL side note- I actually remember him bopping his head to this beat in class. It annoyed me.. but anyways..
You’ll take fancy to this track if you enjoy playful lyrics that fits suitably with a playful beat. On this track he talks about his frustration with people who abuse music, referring to them as "seasonal berries" and he is basically trying to find his own way. It’s full of punchlines but I loves it.
“I’ll sacrifice you wack cats like lambs at Ramadan, jibba jabba and bomb your jaw more than Taliban” “part-time rappers need to find a new path, you’ve miscalculated blud, do the right math”. Enough said. This song will have u creasing up with laughter.

"My Love"- listen
I’m a sucker for nostalgic samples and he knows that too lol. You can hear the raw emotion in his voice. I don’t want to give it away but listen carefully, because initially the music and the lyrics deceive you.

Gonna keep it brief now,but a lot of people have said their favourite is “Jezebel”, he talks about a past relationship. It has a catchy hook and the line that basically sums it up is "I loved the sex but I couldn't hack the head fuck". I think alot of people can relate to this track, so give it a listen

These are my interpretations of his tracks, so if you would like to find out more about his music, then why not visit his myspace and tell him Chantelle sent you, show him some love from neverxmind.blogspot.

Music News: Kanye West

Peep the cover for Kanye's new single entitled 'Love Lockdown' he recently performed this at the VMA's and i wasn't impressed. Lovexhate will probably call me a hater but its my opinion lol. Kanye's 4th album will be called 808's and Heartbreak' and will be released in december on the 16th to be exact. Remember we told you!

Listen to 'Love Lockdown' here

Monday, 8 September 2008

Artist Spotlight: Neon Hitch

Hopefully I'll be doing a few of these, so look out for another one!
Let me introduce you to Neon Hitch. You may not have heard of her but that's alright! And yep, that is her actual name and she's led just as much interesting life, she was born into a gypsy family and participated in circus performances, but more importantly lets focus on her music, she's an artist hailing from London (UK stand uppp lol!). I'm not even going to categorise her music because it crosses many genres, I'm not quite sure if she's even signed, but looks like things are destined to happen. She might be put into the spotlight soon enough since she's friend's with Amy Winehouse..
Some may compare her to the likes of M.I.A, Lily Allen etc but don't let that overshadow her own uniqueness.

The song below is titled "My Book"

That's the only song I could find on Youtube but my favourites are called "Breathe You" and "On The Move", which you can find on her myspace. If she interets your ears, why not visit her myspace, and show her love from neverxmind.blogspot.

Solange- Would've Been The One

Karma has previously done a post on Solange's album but it's just that good that I thought I'd give it another mention. I especially like the track "Would've Been The One". The lyrics are playful and the beat follows suite. Solange finds herself in a situation of love that involves more than just her and the man, "I find you plus me divided from him" lol I love that line! Had to give you a little sample. Basically not only is it a love triangle but she's one of nine. Gosh.. I hate players!

Well anyways heres the track, listen to the lyrics..

She does sound a little screechy on this track but I think it goes well with what shes saying reflecting her frustration, I like her tone on this.
Definitley not an album to overlook.

Monday, 1 September 2008

New Music: Nelly

A new track said to be on Nelly's forthcoming album Brass Knuckles has leaked. 'Lies' features his St.Lunatics crew as well as Keri Hilson but I'm not convinced its actually her it sounds nothing like Keri.
The track isn't up to much IMO its all over the place, Nelly needs to do better than this if he wants to be taken seriously.

What do you think?

Listen to 'Lies'

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Cop That Disc!!

Solanges new album has finally arrived a full 5 years after her somewhat disapponting debut Solo Star. Now she is all grown up and trying hard to shake off the comparisons to her big sister, evident in album opener 'God Given Name', and she does so convincingly. The album's retro style is a breath of fresh air in a music industry that is becoming increasingly boring and predictable. There are few artists out there who dare to be themselves and bring something different.(Beyonce included) The album is a great mix of modern tracks with an old school flavour that really showcases her songwriting skills shes written tracks for Destiny's Child as well as the highlights 'Upgrade U' and 'Love'from both Beyonce and Kelly Rowland's current albums. Standout cuts here include 'T.O.N.Y' and 'Valentines's Day' if you want to hear real quality music this is well worth purchasing.7/10

Friday, 15 August 2008

Keri Hilson Update

Keri's debut album 'In A Perfect World' has been pushed back.The album was originally due to be released Semptemver 23rd but has now been delayed until october. There has been no official reason why from Mosley Music Group/Zone 4, a joint venture between Timbaland and Polow Da Don, maybe her first single energy wasn't being recieved the way they'd anticpated. Kmt I've been (im)patiently waiting for this album for like a year and a half so i hope this doesn't get pushed back even further coz keri is talented and deserves her time 2 shine.

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Disturbia= Pure Genious

Dis video is pure genious, the director captured al essence of a good video and der are no video girls, nice cars, money, or bling flashin, which is good, da song is hot too so check dis video out everyone here is rihanna's "Disturbia" video

Celebs who are all for the Obamatron

There are numerous amount of celebs (Alicia Keys,Scarlett Johanson,Nicole Richie, Halle Berry, Isla Fisher and Kirsten Dunst to name a few) and not to mention the amount of people who are supporting mr Barack Obama within the US aswell as around the world.
I cant wait till they declare him as the next president of the US, i only hope that he does wat he says, and bring change for the better and not for the worse, good luck mr Obama.

Summer Banger

here is kardinals official summer hit feauturig Akon
if u like it leave a comment and lemme kno wat yall think bout it.
the main girl is real pretty, but i seen better lookin videos girls dat may play off da dangerous look much better

Friday, 25 July 2008

Celeb: Backstabbing, Stalking and Prostitution

Aint neva heard of this chick but its seems like she knoz the industry betta dan any1 at da mom, becuz she saying things that we probly joke about and not expect to be happening. E.G Rocsi from BET's 106&Park has been had sexual relations with kelly's ex hubby, Bow weezy is a stalker (lmao) now dats a turn off, sorry to all dem bow weezy fans lol (i knew der musta been something odd about him apart from the shape of his head dat jus wasnt right)lol. Then there is Rita G from kayne's "flashin lights" video, who tries to sell her self to people within the music industry for 4 possibilty more exclusivity. All this info aint been made up, it has been said by the one and only jenthe pen and she says all this stuff without any hesitation, so i choose to believe wat she sayin. well if ya wanna hear all this for ya self here is the interview with truestories radio station and jenthepen.

Shanti got da "Good Good"

here is the new video from the fabulous miss shanti aka (nelly's future babymama lol)she must got da "good good" to be keepin a fine azz man like nelly aqround, she even got him in her video too. The video is hot, she tryna show all da ladies a little insight of how to make ur man feel like he got da good good which means that he dont av to be lookin nowhere else to find anything better because better is at home waitin. This song is very catchy and even tho its a lil cheesy im still feelin da song, dats gon be ma anthem for da rest of da period of dis summer.
so here da video and enjoy the "feel good music by ashanti "Good Good" taken from her Declaration album

Thursday, 24 July 2008


during a radio interview yung berg says that he prefers to go with light skinned chicks and he dont want his chick to be darker than him (talk about arrogance). i personally think wateva shade color you are it doesnt matter, as long as u carry ur self appropriately den it dont matter if u green or purple. there is nothing wrong wiv havin a preference but u dont av to let the whole world kno, especially when u thinkin something like dat, berg u betta be carefull because all u is at da moment is "dat guy who appeared in ray j's sexy can i video", u tredding on thin ice, because belive it or not, da dark butts dat u dissin r tha ones that are most likely supportin ur azz, so stay corrected.
here is da interview wiv yung berg

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

New Vids

The video for 'energy' Keri's first official single has dropped, now we've been following keri (not literally) for a minute at NEVERXMIND! so its good to see her project gaining some momentum coz it looked like she was gonna become a features artist for a while just popping up on other peoples songs. The video is cool i suppose i prefer the song moreher album 'In A Perfect World' drops 23rd september so go cop it!

Next up is the video for 'superwoman' the 4th single from Alicia Keys' superb album'As I Am'I never really liked the song i get its supposed to be about female empowerment but it just seems cheesy to me. However I think the video captures the essence of the song really well and good to see Jada Pinkett in it too.

Last up is N.E.R.D with Spaz. 'I'm a little teapot short and stout' lol this is one of my favourites of the new album 'seeing sounds' but the video is kinda boring doesn't match the crazy energy of the song IMO. Check it out below.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

New Vids

Peep the official video for Nas' new tune Hero featuring Keri Hilson. It premiered on TV yesterday The tune is a banger but the video is kinda boring. For the first single from his new album 'Untitled' he could've came back a little harder and Keri's hardly in it!
The album drops July 15th.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Weekly Throwback

Usher is falling off big time his new album is wack is it a coincidence that his wackness and marriage are happening at the same time? Heres a reminder of how good he used to be take a look at the video for 'U remind me' taken from the album '8701' Enjoy

Monday, 30 June 2008

New Music:Solange

This is a new track from Solanges forthcoming album and once again I'm digging it. I've yet to hear anything from it that I haven't liked so far. Its shaping up to be a great record look out for a review of it when it drops in August. 'I told you so' is a little different to 'I decided' Solange is trying to get her 'sang' on lol and it works although it gets a little screechy towards the end.
I like her lyrics too. Overall a solid effort. What do you think?

Listen to 'I Told You So'

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Glastonbury 2008

I'm not really big on Glastonbury I've never been or paid much attention to it before but I tuned in to some of this years coverage for two reasons 1. Amy Winehouse and 2. Jay-Z.
Now we've been quiet about Amy over here at NEVERXMIND! because we wanted to focus on her music and not her 'troubled' personal life. She performed an hour long set including 'rehab' 'tears dry on their own' etc and started off confidently but as the set progressed and she drank more she got more erratic. She seemed to ramble between songs and at one point lashed out at a fan while she was singing in the crowd. The fan apparently tried to touch her boobs so a word of warning don't mess with Amy. She also performed at Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday party and seemed ok. I mean she wasn't spectaular or anything but it was good to see her out and about looking healthier than she has in a long while despite being diagnosed with emphysema. Though I don't think Amy is back to her best just yet it seems she is on her way. Jay-z was a contoversial choice of headliner this year with many including Noel Gallagher saying Hip-Hop doesn't belong at Glastonbury. Jay-Z gave all the haters the middle finger by coming on stage performing Oasis' wonderwall. He proved he is quite the showman performing '99 problems' 'Show me what you got' and the crowd pleaser Big Pimpin' plus many others. He also recieved a fantastic response from the crowd silencing his critics-and was that Sasha I saw dancing around in the background?

Saturday, 28 June 2008

In the words of Keri, "GET IT GIRL!"

Keri is blowin up right now so I thought I'd post a little something on her. These are pics from a photoshoot shot exclusively for MTV. Her look is fierce, her and Rihanna have got me wanting to cut my hair! lol.

Shes on everything right now, from Chris Brown's "Superhuman" song to Nas' "Hero". But Keri, we're still waiting for your album!

Peep the video. This is my song right now.

Thanx 'Ye!

I was peepin Kanye's blog and he's featured a tune produced by A-Track (someone I've never heard of before but glad I know now!!) with Lupe Fiasco on there. I think it's a promo for Nike, and yeah that may seem cheesy but the beat is real good and I'm liking Lupe's flow. If you don't like it you need to clean out that earwax! Haha.. just messing. It's like a classical blend (I can hear a violin in there somewhere..) mixed with a modern sound.

Oh, and in a couple of weeks, me and Karma get the pleasure to witness the sickness aka Lupe Fiasco lol. We're seeing him in concert.

Anyways check out Kanye's blog, he has interesting stuff on there, including his point of view on Soulja Boy and Ice T's "beef" lol. And yes.. Karma I know your gonna hate me for publicising 'Ye but yes I am a stan, and I'm gonna convert you too!

UH OH... here it goes..

Everyone knows how it goes down with these couples in the spotlight either completely denying their relationship or just refusing to respond to speculation. Yes Chris breezy and Rhi are together. Well on an American TV show Chris Brown was asked what his mom thinks of Rihanna, he said “Yeah yeah, she’s real cool. They’re both light skin with green eyes, so…!”.

Now people have being going mad over this comment on other blogs and I was just thinking is there reason to or is it just an innocent comment? It depends really, how you see these kinda things. He's probably just pointing out that his mom and Rihanna have things in common, but as someone in the public eye, and being a black person himself he should be aware of what he says and how it will be interpreted. We all know the whole light skin/dark skin is a sensitive issue among black people (perhaps asians too..) so the comment could be seen as totally irrelevant to what was asked and a bit odd.

Nevertheless, Rhi and Chris still make a cute couple and word of advice to Chris- be extra careful of what you say in public! And peeps, feel free to post a comment on this, I'm interested to know what other people think of this.

Friday, 27 June 2008

Weekly Throwback

This week's throwback was inspired by Alicia Keys AWESOME performance at the BET awards this week. SWV, En vogue AND TLC on one stage? OMG! It got me thinking about other girl groups that she could've added to the mix like Xscape for example. They were killing it for a time back in the day, they could all sing and they had great songs. Kandi and T.I's baby mamma Tiny were my favourite members. This is 'MY Little Secret'released in 1998 taken from their third album 'Traces Of My Lipstick' enjoy

New Music: Algebra

Check out this new song from Atlanta native Algebra. I'm definitely feeling this one 'run and hide' is taken from her first album 'purpose'make sure you support her if you like the song drop by her myspace and show some love. There are way too many talented artists out there who aren't getting the respect they deserve. Teedra Moses anyone?

Listen to 'Run and Hide

LovexHate: Sorry Karma just had to hijack ya post! On point with this one. I've loved it from the get go, heard it quite a few months ago and I still continue to listen to it. My tuuune! People you should most definitely listen to her other tracks "What Happened" and "Happy After".

Friday, 20 June 2008

Weekly Throwback

For this weeks throwback I'm keeping it mellow this was just a nice track to chill to back in the day. This was at a time when Brandy could do no wrong really times have changed since then. I couldn't decide between this 'Almost Doesn't Count' which is probably my favourite Brandy track ever.
But I went for 'Sittin' Up In My Room' coz its more of a throwback if you know what I mean... I do. This was from the 'Waiting To Exhale' soundtrack great film and a great song enjoy.

You know Moesha was too sick as well Mo to da E to da! lol

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Usher Is Moving Mountains

here is Ushers continuation from love in this club, according to usher his whole album tells a story from when he was younger up until now dat he had grown into a grown man, so u kno wat dat means u gotta either download the album but if u wanna support him then buy the album,lol, which eva it doesnt matta, but dis song is a nice powerful heart pouring song, it grows on u everytime u hear it, mek sure u all listen and watch , video is very visual

Oprah Creates Her Own Church

Its been going on now since 2006 and i recently took da time sit down and relli see if wat i was hearin was da truth, and dis video dat i saw on youtube confirmed everything that people has been sayin about oprah. I dont understand why when people get money they think they got the power to do anything they want, which i really dont care what they do but when it has to do with trying to deny our father god in any way or form den u kno it aint right, maybe she thinks what she is duin is right but she realli needs to wake up and realise dat god is the way the truth and life and there is nothing else beyond this. watch this video and lemme kno wat yall think about it, lemme kno if u think dis is right, is Oprah the "Anti-Christ"


(Now i got a confession,hahahaha)lol, since we all saw da pussycat dolls perform live on the MTV movie awards, we all been waitin on der offical video for their catchy song "When i grow up video" for a while now and i can finally tell yall dat it has been worth the wait. The video is original, da song is catchy (as usual), dis video kinda reminds me of one of janet jackson's videos "doesn't matter", but i av to giv dem all props for dis vid, dis video is funky and its gon be a big hit i can already see it at da No.1 spot.
enjoy all, here is -Pussycat Dolls "When i grow up"


wassup all, its been a while but the one and only DIVA is bak to let u all kno about da new talent (razah) dat was signed unto jay-z's defjam record label. This song is a must hear for all, it kinda reminds u of the old skool RnB songs, simple heart felt lyrics with a good catchy chorus, hope yall enjoy, cuz dats wat i been listening to lately. sit back relax and enjoy.

Friday, 13 June 2008

Weekly Throwback

I've randomly seen Jamelia around town and I'm thinking shouldn't you be in the studio or something. But then I remember she got dropped. She did have some good songs like 'superstar' and 'see it in a boys eyes' but claims that she was the U.K.'s answer to Beyonce were laughable.
I can't knock her too much though- she is from Birmingham and its her big day tomorrow. She's getting married to footballer Darren Byfield who knew? To celebrate here's her debut single 'money'featuring Beenie Man released in 2000 taken from her debut album 'Drama' Enjoy!

Friday, 6 June 2008

New Music: Ciara

Check out this new song from Ciara, Supernatural this is rumoured to be the first single from her third album 'Fantasy ride' which is going to be three-discs with each one having a different theme. This seems like album filler to me not really single-worthy it doesn't really go anywhere I prefer Ciara on uptempo songs like 'get up' than these slower ones. I don't think her voice is strong enough to pull them off. This songs is by no means bad its just no promise! What do you think?

Listen to 'supernatural'

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Track of the moment- Part 2

In light of Lovehate's recent post I've decided to share my favourite song at the moment. Now this song is BIG 'Mr Carter' by Lil Wayne featuring Hova himself Jay-z. If you haven't worked it out both of them go by the name 'Mr Carter' hence the tracks title. I'm loving lil wayne's lyrics on this one and the way Jay seems to come out of nowhere then is gone again lol this has gotta be one of the hottest collabos out at the minute gotta love Lil Weezy. His new album 'Tha Carter III' is due out on 16th June.

Listen to 'Mr Carter'

New vids

I don't know if this will be a regular feature or not it depends on whether i can be bothered or if one of the other girls wants to continue with it.
Peep the vid for solange's new single 'I decided' im loving this video, the colours, the concept and the overall vibe. I think it compliments the song very well. Solanges album SoL-Angel & the Hadley Street Dreams is out in August. Judging by this and other music I've heard I reckon Solange will be successful in her solo career.
Btw check out the freemasons remix of the single its big!

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Track Of The Moment

This song is on constant replay on my iPod right now. The lyrics, the production, the flow are crazy mad! These are the type of the tunes I can just vibe to, with the perfect production from 9th Wonder. The artist is a female rapper by the name Jean Grae, track titled "Love Thirst". Well this song quenches my musical addiction.. lol how geeky am I!

Ashanti- The Declaration

Looks like Ashanti has returned with the same brilliance that she showed in her first album that was self-titled "Ashanti". Since then she has released two other albums, with "The Declaration" being her 3rd effort. She is known for her lyrical ability and great voice and this is a solid album, and in my opinion destined for success. She manages to create a different sound for herself while still maintaining the same style that her fans love (this time round she has a range of different producers other than The Inc).

There is a perfect balance between chilled ballads and party tracks. Ones that I recommend you should definitely give a listen are "You're Gonna Miss" with it's funky production (lol..) and a similar reason for "So Over You" produced by Darkchild. Oh and also "In These Streets" and the simplicity of "Good Good". I'm certainly not feeling "Shine" though, the song is boring and cheesey!

Monday, 2 June 2008

Pussycat dolls vs Girlicious

I had to post this in relation to Diva's last post. Ye I know both girlicious and the pussycat dolls were created by the same person but girlicious just suck they come across as a cheap karaoke version to me. I don't see them giving any girl group around today a run for their money.
Check out this performance of the pussycats' comeback single 'When I grow up' at the MTV movie awards. This is how its done!! A hot performance but Nicole schitzu's voice just annoys the hell outta me. Why you wailing like that its reallly not that serious. To the chick in the yellow trousers wots her name again?? anyway that leg thing was cool the first few times you did it now its kinda old. I aint hating its not like I can do it but you know maybe switch it up a little and do something different. I rate this 8/10

Saturday, 31 May 2008


ok everyone, if you aint heard of this new group who can give all dem girl bands a run for their money, then where da hek hav u been at.from left(Christina,Nichole,Natalie,Tiffany), I have to admit dat at first I weren't too sure dat dis Girlicious thing would work but when i saw and heard there official video/song I was very shocked. I mean, they are a bit unorganised in da video but apart from dat they can all sing (only 2 chiks from pussy cat dolls can actually sing,lol,not to say dat dats a bad thing) anywhuz, these Girlicious girlies are well choreographed, I have to admit that they do dress a bit slutty tho, which is not very surprising compared to how other girl bands are dressing nowadays(leave something for the imagination girls), they are a well put together group when you put all dat negativity on da side and I have to give the creator of the Pussycat Dolls Robin Antin props for creating a big competition for all these otha girl groups out der, they betta watch they spot, because Girlicious are on they're way to stardom.
here da official video for their debut single "Like Me"
Great ad libs by Tiffany

Girlicious "Like Me"

Friday, 30 May 2008

New Music: Rihanna

Heres 'Disturbia' a brand new track from the re-release of Rihannas 'Good Girl Gone Bad' album due out on 17th June. While current no1 single 'Take a bow' was a solid effort this is a step back IMO. There are far better tracks such as 'Sell Me Candy' ,anyone who knows me knows how much I love that song, and 'Rehab' on the original album so why they've chosen to put out this mess is beyond me.
Anyway check it out and share your thoughts.


Weekly Throwback

Dammit where does the time go? It's friday again! For this weeks throwback I've decided to do a slow jam coz i don't think we have before. Heres changing faces with their debut single 'Stroke you up' all the way from 1994! I can't even front like I remember it from then I recently rediscovered it through a friend and its been on heavy rotation on my ipod since.
R Kelly was the 'mastermind' behind this group who never really hit the big time but were one of the better R'n'B girl groups of the '90's. Their song G.H.E.T.T.O.U.T (even with the annoying spelling) is still one of my favourite tunes. Enjoy the vid

Friday, 23 May 2008

Maxim Magazine..BOO!

Seriously.. who do they think they are with their Top 100 ladies list! Oh c'mon.. it's so wrong in so many ways. First of all some of the people who made it on to the list really makes me wonder lol and I noticed there's hardly any black women on the list (we need love too! LOL).
On a serious note, I dunno, I just find it odd because it kind of presents women as visual objects to please men- yeah I kno.. what do I expect since it is male magazine that is obsessed with women, sex etc. I kno it's not no new thing but things like this truly show how society is SO obsessed with appearance! And you sure as hell know for some silly girls it's their life ambition to get on that list lol.

If you wanna see the list for urself its floating around on a few blogs, or just go to the Maxim site..

Weekly Throwback

Lets get these throwbacks back on track shall we? Thats a hard sentence to say try it. Since the summer is fast approaching I thought this track would be perfect. This is a classic NO-ONE can tell me that they didn't love this tune. I present to you Sweet Female Attitude with 'Flowers' from 2000. This just takes me back man to happy sunny days i think i was in y5 at school when this was out. Listen to me i sound like a pensioner at the grand old age of 18 lol. I seem to be always aking this question in the throwbacks but where are they now, these girls to me are the true definition of the phrase one-hit wonder! Enjoy the vid.

Keri Hilson Update

The release date for Keri Hilson's debut album 'In A Perfect World' has been set for september 23rd. I have been waiting for this album for a minute and a half ,now if you didn't know thats a VERY long time, lol. Hopefully it won't get pushed back her first single is 'Energy' due out next month.
If you don't know about keri then you've probably been in space for the last year or so :-) Although shes been in the game for years songwriting for other artists (Britney Spears Gimme More Omarion Icebox, Mary J Blige take me as I am etc) shes breaking out as a solo artist now. You might also recognise her from the number 1 smash 'The way I are' with Timbaland. Shes all over his album on tracks 'Scream' which also pointlessly features Nicole zingerburger or whateva her name is who has run back to the pussycat dolls SHAME lol (let me save that for another post I'm going off track) and 'miscommunication'- big tune! Anyway we'll definitely be bringing you a review of the album when it drops. In the meantime check out some of her music 'Hands And Feet' is the biggest tune EVER! truss me

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Weekly Throwback

You just knew we had to do an Erykah Badu track, "On and On". This lady's amazing, her talent is so raw and timeless. It's strange that even at a real young age I could still appreciate her music. This video makes me laugh though. Did you see how hard she was tuggin' at that little girl's hair?! Poor thing. And when she threw her hot tea on the man's neck.. lol.. I know in real life that defiantly aint funny!

Like she says, her "cypher keeps going like a rolling stone". Erykah's still right about that, she's still continuing to make music in '08 touching many people's minds. Check out "Healer" weird but interesting song by her. Especially if you listen to it through earphones.. my gosh!

Family Guy got competition!

LOL! I just found this. Since I'm on the topic of Black animated characters look at this little charm. I'm a fan of Family Guy but I must admit I haven't watched it in a while (heard the new series are airing on BBC3 in the UK though). If this comes out I'd defiantly watch it, but doubt it'd be as funny as the actual Family Guy though, nothing beats Peter Griffin and co lol. Look at the black version of the characters Chris and Stewie. LOL.

This image is too funny to me.

Disney's Beautiful Black Princess!

The 21st Century has finally arrived!
Lol. Meaning that Disney has finally created its first Black Princess! Isn't she pretty? lol. It's about time aswell, we've had white princesses, japanese, arabian and even native american ones! I'm not hating on that though, diversity is good. The lovely Anika Noni Rose will be the voice of the young princess in the animated film to be titled "The Frog Princess". She's doing good for herself, she starred in "Dreamgirls" alongside Beyonce and Jennifer Hudson. Not too sure what the films about so I guess you just have to wait and see..

I hope it turns out good and it's nice that the younger black generation get to grow up seeing a soon-to-be major Disney film featuring a lead black character. I dunno about you guys but my favourites were Beauty and The Beast and The Little Mermaid.. aww loved those days lol!

OMG. And how dare I forget Aladin!

Everybody Nose..

The video for N.E.R.D.'s new single "Everybody Nose" has been on Youtube for quite a while but just thought I'd write a little post on it. It's strange, like many people I can't decide whether I like this song or not, but one things for definite is that it's hella catchy. You can't help but sing along to the repetitive lyrics and sound. As you can see the ultimate party girl (and loser in my opinion) Lindsey Lohan is in the vid, and Kanye gets a little feature too! I'm really liking this video, and call me Devil's advocate or whatever but do you think to a certain degree it kind of glamorises that party-hard, drug lifestyle? Then again people are use to seeing violence and butt-nakedness on TV- so to heck with that! I dunno anyway, at least it captures the essence of the song.

Friday, 9 May 2008

Weekly Throwback

I thought it was about time we featured a u.k artist for the throwback. So heres Shola Ama with 'you might need somebody' all the way from 1997.
I can't believe it was so long ago i remember it like it was yesterday and i was seven at the time!

I was originally gonna post you're the one i love' now that was my tune but i can't find it anywhere its like its been wiped from existence.
Where's Shola at now? Anyone remember she tried to make a comeback a few years ago with that track 'you should really know?' It was the answerback to Mario Winans ,the WACK naila boss was on it! Think a u.k lil mama but a really crap version lol

Saturday, 3 May 2008

The World is not safe..

...for a girl like me! Lol. I'm not even messing, some of the craziest things I see seem to be either on my bus route or while I'm actually waiting for it. A transexual frequently goes on my bus with his belly hangin out over his jeans, holding a mirror and comb in his hand trying to make himself look pretty. Then you got other things like people trying to prepare their dinner on the bus (no lie!) one woman was cutting up some lettuce with a sharp-ass knife. The thing I really can't stand are fights though. It don't matter how many I see, each one shocks me just as much as the last. Don't think I live in a little bubble or something, because I'm fully aware that horrible things happen but I'd rather not witness it right in front of my face! Last night there was a fight, and there were glass bottles flung about, punching, kicking, biting, scratching.. ok that last one was a lie lol. But on a serious note it was absolutely horrible. These guys were kicking this one person in the head and stomach, and in the end he had a massive bump of blood on the back of his head and blood pouring out of his face. People were calling the police/medical help, but he was shouting calling them idiots saying he don't need no help because it was "minor". I felt really sorry for him and I was about to give him some tissues to clean himself up but decided not to because of his previous reaction. That's mashed. I know guys like to put on a front but c'mon now, the guy had just got beaten up so obviosuly he isn't as tough as he thinks he is.

Timbaland and The Neptunes

I'm getting really frustrated with how the music industry works now. Yeah.. I know I'm not no expert but I feel I know what I'm talkin about! It seems like particular producers will work with anyone under the sun just for the moneeeey. I'm referring to some of my favourite producers now.. Timbaland and The Neptunes (Pharrell and co). I'm not really a fan of Britney (maybe when i was like and Madonna (only her old tunes maan!) so I'm really disappointed that BOTH Timb and Neptunes have produced alot of the songs on their album, and to be honest I'm real disappointed. In my opinion those artist's voices and the beats don't blend together that well. It doesn't sound right. Seems like a waste. The beats alone sound sick, but once you hear the voices its like eww! That's just my opinion though! If you beg to differ post a comment..

I'll admit that I can just about listen to Britney "Why Should I Be Sad" (neptunes)and "Hot As Ice" (timb)

Friday, 2 May 2008

Weekly Throwback

Ok so its been a minute since the last post but all of us have been mad busy its a stressful time at the moment with exams and stuff. Anyways I'm back on the throwbacks thanks to Lovehate for last weeks one well done you get a gold star :-) This weeks song is one I still listen to all the time Kelis' 'Get Along With You' from her debut album 'Kaleidoscope.' Kelis always stood out from the rest of the other singers out there with tunes like 'Caught Out There' and 'Milkshake' she was just always herself. This video was something different and fresh at the time and made me like the song even more. The reason I'm writing in the past tense is bcoz she got dropped from her label so I'm not sure if we'll hear any more music from her anytime soon. Wtf is going on when Kelis gets dropped but Cassie is about to release a new album??
Kmt enjoy the vid.

Sunday, 27 April 2008


here is Alicia Keys looking oh so stunning in her new video teenage love affair,hope you all enjoy it, its different from all otha videos, very original

"Teenage Love Affair"- personal favourite from the "As I Am" album


An artist that I'm liking right now is Robyn. She's a refreshing change to the same old crap that everyones doing. She dares to be different, to stand out from the crowd and thats what I like about her. She always comes with something weird and quirky but she always pulls it off.
Watch the vid for her track 'Konichiwa Bitches' and you'll see what I mean.

'In the North Pole I'll ice you son lol'

Solange gets her shine on!

It's old news that Solange is trying to pursue a career in the music industry (think back to the Fighting Temptations album soundtrack) but she has actually released her new single "I Decided" on the USA version of iTunes now. If you haven't heard this song already I recommend you do. It's unlike anything else and she's defiantly not trying to be her sister, it is very different to Beyonce's stuff. Oh, and it's produced by the very talented Pharrell! It doesn't have Neptune's trademark "spacey" sound but it's still destined to be a hit. Looks like it's Kelly, Michelle, and Solange's time to step out of Bey's shadow.

Other blogs have been cussing her yellow "clown face" aswell, but I think the makeup is a good look on her, atleast it's creative.

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Weekly Throwback

Hi people! This week I'm doing this feature thanks to Karma(if you want me to replace her just let me know... haha just messing!).

Originally I was gonna post a really old classic, but this song fits the bill. Destiny's Child No No No, the REMIX! Yes yes, birth on the year 1997! lol. I use to love this song, and honestly I can still listen to it. I have so many nice memories attached to this song, thanks to my older sis I have inherited a pretty good ear for music lol. I can remember me singing the No no part as a little kid (probz 8 years old) dancing around. I am actually emotionally scarred though as I can recall my mom telling me to stop "warbling", I think I was tryna do a Beyonce, like stretching out the notes LOL.. Im unable to sing properly in public now!

Anyway, enough of my life story! Sit back and enjoy this song, and I KNOW you'll be turning the volume up to grab a hairbrush to sing infront of the mirror.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Amerie is free

So Amerie has officialy 'severed ties' with Columbia records. Thats just fancy talk for saying she got dropped. I'm not surprised either i don't know where she was going with her latest album 'Because i love it.' It was rubbish there's only like 2 good songs on there and it didn't even get released in the U.S. I can't believe how low the quality of music went coz her first two albums are good 'Why don't we fall in love is a classic' as - Lovehate would agree- and the Ludacris remix took it to the next level. Anyway she is now in talks to sign with Def Jam so hopefully we can hear some better music from her in the future.

Monday, 21 April 2008

"Pretty pretty rickaaay RICKEY"

Guess what ladies (and guys- if you swing that way!) "Pretty" Ricky are back with a new member. I wasn't really much of a fan but I just thought I'd let you guys know. Since the main singer Pleasure left he has now been replaced by Ambition/4 play. As if these bunch of sex-obsessed guys weren't enough you now gotta add this "4 play" to the mix (pictured 2nd from the right by the way). I am actually in a bitchy mood today, so forgive me in advance lol, but seriously what is up with the one on the end on the right. He looks like a miniature Ne-yo with that hat and pose. And DON'T get me started on the fool in the white lol. Those glasses/goggles that he's wearing.. -shudder-. I'm done chatting crap for today! lol.

Mariah vs Mariah

You may think we're becoming Mariah crazy over here at neverxmind blogspot, but what can I say, the diva seems to be everywhere. Now, don't get mad peeps, I'm not knockin her hustle but don't you think Mariah has changed quite a bit over the years. She's still pretty either way but I actually thinks she looks better in her PRE-diva days, big curly hair and all. Fresh-faced! Au Naturale! Ok.. I'ma stop but you get the point I'm making. I'm taking it back to our previous posts, but do celebrities really have to change their image to make it big? I'm not saying this is what MC has done, 'cause you know considering the difference in fashion from 1990-'08 theres bound to be a change! You can already see this with Alicia Key's new "sexed" up appearance (then again it's not overwhelming because shes very classy), even Amerie, poor Amerie who's dropped off lol.

I guess we gotta face it. Sex sells. I'll leave you folks with wise words from Erykah Badu (if u aint heard of her hang ur head in shame!) on how to survive this industry.

"Create ur own publicity, do some hoooe shit" LOL. Love her sarcasm.

Sunday, 20 April 2008

MTV BASE welcomes 10 years of success

This channel is popular amongst the British youth, especially those interested in black culture, and has appealed to us since 1999- the first broadcast. MTV Base has been successful in presenting us with the hottest "urban" music (whatever that means.. lol) around. I never quite understand why they called it urban, but you get what I mean, music of black origin. Trevor Nelson is the main presenter on the channel, aww bless his shiny cue-ball head, and I must admit he's done a great job. Apparantly 170-180 videos are played a day, and I'm hoping most of them aren't effin Soulja Boy with his friggin crank that shite!

Anyhows, I'm wondering if MTV Base will still continue to be successful since the (USA originated) BET channel has arrived. Only time will tell!

Teedra Moses

I don't know about you guys but I am unbelievably frustrated that Teedra Moses doesn't get the recognition she deserves! I mean like HELLO.. the girl can sing, her lyrics actually MEAN something, and she doesn't put out the usual crap that alot of RnB artists seem to be doing right now. Infact.. she hasn't had the chance to put out anything at all. If you're not aware of this already, she has been dropped by her record label which is such a shame.

Me being an avid listner and fan of Teedra (aswell as Karma) we want to know what the fook is going on! For the past year- NO JOKE, her official site says her new album Young Lioness will be out soon. I've looked on her myspace and it says the release will be '08, but no date, no month,nothing else! Unfortunately, the way things are going looks like Teedra will be an ancient "Lioness" before her new album drops..