Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Artist Spotlight: ILL Methodz

ILL Methodz is an MC from Birmingham, United Kingdom (that’s right..) in the process of making a mark in this industry.
His craft illustrates his true loyalty and respect for music, particularly the Hip Hop genre. This isn’t just a hobby to him but a passion. He is not one to be compared to those guys hangin out on the corner making music as a means to an end.. as in money, he actually enjoys what he does and selflessly enlightens others with his lyrics. ILL Methods has the potential to entertain, educate and potentially put the focus back on to music as being an art rather than a phase which is often suggested by a few rappers in Birmingham trying to break into the scence.

"A Tragedy"- listen
The first time I listened to this I got caught up the rhythm and the lyrics that I found myself closing my eyes so I could pay attention to each word. His style is reminiscent of Lupe Fiasco with his story telling skills (obviously he's different.. but yeh!). You follow the story with your ears but the words paint a picture in your mind, believe me, the end made me shudder.

"I’m so Real"- listen
LOL side note- I actually remember him bopping his head to this beat in class. It annoyed me.. but anyways..
You’ll take fancy to this track if you enjoy playful lyrics that fits suitably with a playful beat. On this track he talks about his frustration with people who abuse music, referring to them as "seasonal berries" and he is basically trying to find his own way. It’s full of punchlines but I loves it.
“I’ll sacrifice you wack cats like lambs at Ramadan, jibba jabba and bomb your jaw more than Taliban” “part-time rappers need to find a new path, you’ve miscalculated blud, do the right math”. Enough said. This song will have u creasing up with laughter.

"My Love"- listen
I’m a sucker for nostalgic samples and he knows that too lol. You can hear the raw emotion in his voice. I don’t want to give it away but listen carefully, because initially the music and the lyrics deceive you.

Gonna keep it brief now,but a lot of people have said their favourite is “Jezebel”, he talks about a past relationship. It has a catchy hook and the line that basically sums it up is "I loved the sex but I couldn't hack the head fuck". I think alot of people can relate to this track, so give it a listen

These are my interpretations of his tracks, so if you would like to find out more about his music, then why not visit his myspace and tell him Chantelle sent you, show him some love from neverxmind.blogspot.

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